Category: inspire

Learning to say no so you can say yes

If you’re a freelancer this is for you. Even if you’re not, this is probably still for you. I know, there are plenty of good books out there on this subject matter and they come with “expert” advice and less grammatical errors but, sometimes us creatives have to be reminded of our limitations.   So […]


I found this statement from Wikipedia founder very interesting.   Google might have close to a million servers. Yahoo has something like 13,000 staff. We have 400 servers and 95 staff. Wikipedia is the #5 site on the web and serves 454 million different people every month – with billions of page views. Commerce is […]


charity : water

Scott Harrison – charity: water from Silicon Prairie News on Vimeo.  [dropcaps color=” background_color=” border_color=” type=’square’]T[/dropcaps]This is a video from the 2010 Big Omaha Event. Its an inspiring story of Scott Harrison and the charity: water organization. He also discusses their use of branding and digital media to promote and inform contributors about their organization. […]


Leave me a note!

Click the link and leave me a sticky note! Be careful what you say, it remains for 72 hours!   [dropcaps]H[/dropcaps]Here is a homework assignment that I actually enjoyed. This is a php fuction that incorporates FancyBox and allows users to read and write to a SQL data base in a quirky manner. The notes […]